Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lamb Burger-Spice Crusted and Sublime

Over the past couple of months I have perfected my Lamb Burger that arguably tastes better than any Lamb Burger I have eaten anywhere.  Modesty eludes me on this effort as it is hard to imagine a more satisfying taste explosion that includes savory flavors such as; rosemary, garlic, and onion fused with Mediterranean and Asian flavors of cumin, feta, and yellow curry, and finished with a little added heat with a Sriracha Aioli.  The lamb burger is a great alternative to the tired and dry turkey burger that leaves one wanting and wondering if the calories ingested was really worthy. 
When I first started experimenting with Lamb Burgers, I started out by using two pounds of ground lamb that is about 80% lean-the only ratio that should be considered for any burger- and mixed in fresh mint, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, rosemary and kosher salt.  The intent was to have the lamb meat fused throughout with the various flavors.  Flavor wise it was a decent burger, but I felt that mixing in the herbs and spices was causing me to have to work the meat too much, which as my blog below The Hamburger-Plain and Simple instructs, the patty should be formed gently, which doesn’t mean after it has been worked like one might work a meatloaf. 

The burger tasted great, but I felt it was missing something so I added yellow curry to the mix and this proved more interesting, but still something was not exactly perfect like I wanted it.  Finally I thought I would create a spice crust by adding the herb and spice mixture directly to the top of each patty so then when cooked a delightful spicy crust is formed atop of the burger.  I find that cooking the Lamb Burgers on the griddle gives a more intense spice crust than the grill does, but both taste amazing.  If pressed, I would go with the griddle over the grill-sacrilege you say, but not after tasting it!  If grilling is your thing, as it is with me for hamburgers, then by all means grill the burger, it will not disappoint. 

I finish the burger by topping it with a Sriracha Aioli and Feta cheese served on an toasted bun. 

Spice Crusted Lamb Burgers
Makes four 8 ounce six 1/3 pound burgers

2 Lbs. Ground Lamb
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Ground Cumin
Kosher Salt
Ground Rosemary
Yellow Curry Powder

Gently form each Lamb Burger and place a dimple in the middle (as a recent reader reminded me)
Liberally coat each burger with kosher salt, onion powder and garlic powder, cover each with ground rosemary so that it can be seen across the surface of the burger, then gently sprinkle cumin (cumin is strong and should not be overpower the other spices) followed by a gentle sprinkling of the curry powder to finish (a little more than the cumin).  Gently pat the spices into the burger.  Place a griddle that is a medium high heat and cook each side for 5-6 minutes for medium rare.

Sriracha Aioli

16.5 ounces of Mayonnaise, (Hellmann’s is my personal favorite) Do not use Miracle Whip for this!
4 ounces of Sriacha Hot Sauce
Juice from two limes
Mix ingredients together, adjusting for desired heat, pour into a catsup squeeze bottle of other container.  The consistency should be just a bit thicker than heavy cream.

This sauce can be used with many different foods such as tuna tartar or a spicy Cubano sandwich. 

Place each burger on its bun top with feta cheese, Sriracha Aioli and fresh field greens and serve with your favorite sides.  I find that simple Terra  sweet potato chips are great fare along with your favorite vegetable. 

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