Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pecan Crusted Chicken

Pecans are an often overlooked nut that are saved for use in baking cookies, brownies and of course pecan pie.  I love the flavor of a roasted pecans and the way it pairs well with the chicken. Try this recipe, it is easy and yummy. The addition of cinnamon, smoked paprika and salt to the pecan mixture adds a nice depth of flavor to the pecan mixture.  It will take boneless chicken breasts to a new level. If you like a little sweet to off set the savory drizzle some honey on top of the chicken breast after it comes out of the pan or oven. 

I like to gently toast my pecans then grind them in a food processor.  If you don't have a food processor a blender or coffee grinder can do the job.


Four Boneless Chicken Breasts approximately 8oz. each
1 egg beaten
1 tbsp half and half
1 tbsp  brown sugar
Salted Butter
1 cups of Pecans whole or pieces
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp smoked paprika 
2 tbsp honey (optional for drizzling on chicken just before serving)


1. Beat egg, half & half and sugar in a medium size bowl
2. Process pecans with cinnamon, smoked paprika, and salt to a rough chop, do not over process.  The consistency should be about 1/8th to 1/4 inch chop. Pour mixture into a 8x8 shallow baking pan.
3.  Dip chicken breast into the egg wash and fully coat then transfer to the pecan mixture.  evenly coat the breast and place on a baking pan with wax paper.  Repeat for each piece
3. Melt about 2 tbsp of butter into a 12 inch skillet heated on medium heat.  Place chicken breasts and gently saute for approximately 7-8 minutes a side.  After flipping the chicken, add two more tablespoons of butter. 

You can bake this instead of cooking in a pan.  Preheat oven to 400 and bake for approximately 25 minutes.  This is a more healthful alternative, but it will not be nearly as tasty.

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